Saturday, October 2, 2010

Fall is here!

This post is definitely a happy one! :) I went to Mal's bachelorette party and ended up having SO much fun. I missed those girls so much. I didn't feel nervous at all while I was out. Throughout the day, I had thoughts of just texting Mal and Emily and saying that I was sick and couldn't make it. But I pushed through it, got pretty, and went. We met at Em's house at 7, and had food, presents, and pictures until about 9:30. I only had one drink, so I offered to drive some of the girls to the bars. I was feeling pretty good and decided to at least go to one bar with all of them. So we went to the first place and I had a couple of diet cokes. We only stayed there for a little while, then we went to another place called Cha-Cha's. We sang and danced and had our own little "VIP" area. Before I knew it, it was time to hit another bar and it was already 12:30. I decided to call it a night then, gave the bride a big hug and told everyone I'd see them at the wedding. I feel like this night was a HUGE success for me. I wasn't even going to go at first, and I went and actually had a great time. Definitely a confidence booster for me. Now I can't wait to see everyone at the wedding. :)

All of us :)

Our VIP section

My favorite picture!

I've been feeling pretty good lately. At my last appointment, the counselor said she saw a lot of depression in my personality test. I don't really feel depressed, but I wasn't shocked. I'm a 24-year-old girl without a lot of friends, no boyfriend, and still living at home with my parents. So I'm sure I do have some degree of depression. I have been feeling a lot better lately, though. No anxiety attacks or anxious feelings. My next appointment is October 12th.

One thing my counselor told me to do was exercise. A couple years ago I was a huge gym junkie, I went every day, and I was the smallest I've ever been. But after graduation, I got lazy and stopped going. Until lately, I just haven't had the energy to go. But my dad and I joined a new gym, so I'm going to start going as much as possible. Hopefully this will get rid of excess nervous energy and I'll feel even better (and look even better - my clothes haven't fit for awhile!)

So, good things are happening! :) And the weather is getting cooler - fall is my favorite time of year! Time to break out the boots!


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