Monday, October 11, 2010

Mr. and Mrs. Kearney

Mal's wedding was this weekend, and it was SO BEAUTIFUL! The whole thing was just wonderful. I had such a great time. And I caught the bouquet!!!!!!!!! The guy that caught the garter was SO CUTE! He, unfortunately, came with a girlfriend that I had known from high school. But we both totally played up the whole thing. The garter was a REDSKINS garter!! I couldn't believe it...half of me wanted to throw it across the room and say "YUCK!!"

So funny...and so embarrassing!

I, of course, forgot my camera at home on my desk where I was charging the no pictures with the bride yet. Her photographer took one of her and I after I caught the bouquet, so when I see it, I'll put it up. She looked so gorgeous...she's a very pretty girl, but she was just stunning. The best part of the whole thing - I didn't get nervous! At all! I don't know why I dread these things so much...I always end up having a good time! I had a couple drinks, danced a lot, and ate a lot, and got to catch up with some old friends. It was definitely a good time. :)

Congratulations Mr. and Mrs. Kearney!!!!!


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