Monday, May 10, 2010

Weekend plans

I have some big plans this for this weekend. My best friend from high school's grandma passed away this past weekend and I am going to Manassas to go to her funeral. It will probably be awkward because we don't really talk anymore and she didn't ask me to be in her wedding. We've never talked about the fact that she didn't ask me to be a bridesmaid - it's kind of like the big purple elephant in the room. But I feel like I need to go because I knew her grandma and I know that this is a difficult time for the whole family. I want to be the bigger person and show that I still care about their family even though we don't really speak.

That same day, I am going to a graduation party for a friend of my sister's. She's graduating from college and she's having a party at her house. My sister will be there, and a few of her friends that I know, but everyone else will be strangers. I always get a little nervous about going somewhere where there are a lot of people. I'm not the biggest fan of meeting new people, but I'm going to suck it up and be my most charming self. :)

I e-mailed today with one of my girlfriends from high school. I miss her so much...she has always been a good friend to me. She had a baby girl a few years ago (she's the CUTEST little girl!) so we've kind of lost touch and I haven't seen her in a long time. But we are planning a girl's weekend with another one of our friends. I'll blog about it when we actually HAVE a weekend set. :)

So, big days ahead. I'm not feeling anxious about going to Manassas right now. But, I'm sure the day of will be a little tough. Being around a lot of people isn't a fun time for me. But I'm going to go with a positive attitude and a smile on my face. This weekend WILL be another little victory I can add to my list.


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