Monday, May 17, 2010


I would say that my Friday was pretty successful in terms of keeping a cap on my anxiety. I didn't sleep well on Thursday night, but I generally don't sleep well if I know I have to get up super-early the next day. We left the house for the funeral by 7am. We got to Manassas a little early, so we went to Panera's to get something to eat and drink. I had never been to a funeral before...I'd been to a gravesite ceremony for my great-grandparents, but hadn't been to any kind of memorial service. My mom told me not to have some kind of emotional outburst during the funeral. Cue my anxiety! I was afraid I was going to have some kind of weird emotional response to I would start laughing or bawling hystertically. I made sure that I ate and drank something so I wouldn't feel like I was going to faint or something. Once we got there, I told myself to suck it up because today wasn't about me, and this family is going through something a million times harder than a little anxiety. The service was sad and I did cry, but kept myself pretty composed.

Meeting everyone back at the house was pretty awkward. I don't keep in close contact with most of the people there anymore, and kind of hung around with my mom. I always enjoy talking to my mom's friends though. They've always been nice to me and my mom and they crack me up. So I mostly hung around with them and my mom while we were there. My mom dropped me back of at Panera's so I could wait for my sister to pick me up and take me to the graduation party. I had to sit in there ALL BY MYSELF for an hour!! I brought my book so I could read, and I got a bagel and a drink to keep myself occupied. She picked me up and we went to the party, which I thought was pretty fun. I wasn't nervous at all and there weren't too many people there. They had really good food and a keg, so I was happy. I only had one beer and a shooter because we still had a 2 hour ride back home...which ended up taking 2 and a half hours because of traffic and thunderstorms. By the time I got home, I was sooooo tired. It had been a very emotional day...but I was glad that I was able to get through it without an anxiety attacks and I had a good time at the party.

So, another little victory for my list. I'm already thinking of what I can do next to get out of my comfort zone a little bit. I'd like to start spending the night away from my house more often. Maybe I can rope my sister into taking some little trips with me when we don't have work this summer. I would start staying some nights at my sister's apartment, but she's moving back home. We'll see what happens in the next coming days and weeks...I want to take every opportunity I can get to continue to have these little successes.


Jeanne said...

Very proud of you Ashley. You are a strong, wonderful, sweet, young woman with so much life to live. Savor your 'little victories' and before you know it they will become your norm. There may be setbacks, as there are for everyone. But, your loving spirit will see you through anything. Don't ever stop trying and believing. I love you to the moon and back <3

Kelsey said...

update your blog!!!

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