Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Changing medication

I've decided to change my anxiety medication. I've been taking Effexor XR for around three years. I don't think it ever really worked 100% because I have still had anxiety attacks while on the medication. I just thought the hassle of changing meds wasn't worth it. But I think I've startd having some side effects from being on it for so long. For the past year, I haven't had a lot of energy, I've taken a lot of naps, and I've had headaches and haven't been able to sleep at night. I've had bloodwork done, and everything was normal, so I'm thinking it might be from the Effexor. I'd like to make the switch to a different medication before my family goes on vacation this year. I've read about the withdrawal symptoms people have had when getting off of Effexor, and they sound so horrible. Many people have had "brain zaps" where they feel like they're being shocked every time they move their head. I'm hoping that by switching to another medicine rather than just going off of it cold turkey will curb the withdrawal symptoms somewhat. I'm sure I'll be a raging bitch for the next couple of weeks. I couldn't get an appointment with the doctor until June 14th, but hopefully there will be a cancelation before then and I can get in to see her. I hope getting on a new medicine takes away the side effects from the old one. And I hope it doesn't cost as much to refill, too. ;)


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